Unleashing Leadership Potential

Unleashing Leadership Potential

Harnessing the Power of the Enneagram

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, effective leadership is crucial for navigating challenges, driving innovation, and fostering growth. While traditional leadership development approaches focus on skills and strategies, there's a deeper layer to leadership that often goes unnoticed – understanding oneself and others on a profound level. It made all the difference in my life and leadership and love sharing its power with as many as possible! 

7 Reasons Why Connection Impacts Performance

7 Reasons Why Connection Impacts Performance

In the bustling world of business, success isn't solely about numbers and strategies; it's about the human element – the connections we forge in the workplace. These bonds aren't just pleasant additions to our daily grind; they're the very foundation upon which high-performance teams and thriving organizations are built. Let's explore seven compelling reasons why fostering connections is the ultimate catalyst for performance excellence:

Unmasking the Monkeymind: Dealing with Fear

Unmasking the Monkeymind: Dealing with Fear

Fear is a universal emotion that touches us all, but what if I told you it's often an illusion created by our own thoughts? In this blog, we take you on a journey through the world of fear, exploring the influence of the monkeymind, and revealing a valuable tip you definitely want to embrace. Discover this extra tip in the latest episode of the Muriel Dalmulder Podcast on YouTube.

"What is in your mind will sooner or later manifest in your life."

A story by Osho

Once upon a time, there was a traveler who accidentally found himself in paradise. In the Indian paradise, there were trees that granted wishes. If you sat beneath them and desired something, it would be granted instantly.

Mastering the Art of Keeping New Year's Resolutions

Mastering the Art of Keeping New Year's Resolutions

5 Essential Tips

As the new year unfolds, the tradition of setting New Year's resolutions takes center stage. Yet, the real challenge lies in making these resolutions endure throughout the year. Drawing upon both scientific research and practical strategies, these tips aim to equip you with the tools to transform your resolutions into lasting habits.

The Power of Unconditional Love in Relationships

The Power of Unconditional Love in Relationships

In my practice, I regularly work with couples, and one of the most common challenges I often encounter lies in the distinction between conditional and unconditional love. These two approaches to love can have a profound impact on relationships. Let's delve into the details of what these concepts mean.

Leadership in a VUCA World: A New Era for High Performers and Empaths

Leadership in a VUCA World: A New Era for High Performers and Empaths

Attention all high performers and empaths!

Attention all high performers and empaths!

Have you noticed that the landscape of leadership is evolving in this VUCA world?

If you're unfamiliar with the term VUCA, allow me to explain; it stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. Our world, driven by technology, is transforming at a pace that often surpasses our human capacity to keep up.

Herstel de verbinding met je hart en transformeer je leven

Herstel de verbinding met je hart en transformeer je leven

Doe mee met de Soul Travel Lifecoaching en Yogaretreat 9-11 Juni '23

In de snelle wereld van vandaag voelen velen van ons zich gevangen in carrières die onze passie niet aanwakkeren of leiden we levens die niet in lijn zijn met onze ware verlangens. Als je verlangt naar verandering en een diepere verbinding met je hart zoekt, nodigen we je uit om deel te nemen aan een levensveranderende ervaring. De Happy Soul Travel Lifecoaching en Yogaretreat is ontworpen om je te helpen los te breken van beslissingen die alleen met je hoofd zijn genomen en je te begeleiden naar een meer vervullend en betekenisvol leven.

Dromen kunnen uitkomen

Dromen kunnen uitkomen

Ik heb altijd gedroomd van een wereld waarin alle mensen gelukkig zijn. Een wereld waarin we vanuit verbinding met onszelf en de natuur elkaar zouden steunen om ons beste leven te leiden.



Will better your life….. 100% guaranteed!

PERFECTION means “the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

As someone who has been a “perfectionist” in the past, I wanted to address this topic to support you into changing your perspective and ultimately embracing your imperfections.