Want to be successful as a human being, as a manager, as a team, as an organization? Want to achieve your goals, become more productive and at the same time remain well-balanced and experience fulfillment and happiness? Stop spending your energy on trying to change your environment. Learn to live, think and act from within. From your core, your own pure, authentic strength, your essence. This helps you think clearly and remain in balance in each situation.
Muriël is a highly intuitive and grounded International international humanized leadership coach and speaker with more than 10 years of experience with individuals, teams and organizations and a 20 year corporate background in leading positions. Humanized stands for connection with your authentic self, the other and nature. She connects ancient wisdom with the Western science of NLP, Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Mindfulness based Stress Reduction to change sustainable behavior at the deepest level, so that mainly high performing individuals, teams and organizations can perform optimally again from a connection with their essence and purpose and they can be successful and successful. be fulfilled in all that they are and do.
She is ABNLP certified NLP and mindfulness trainer and coach, Master Hypnotist and Master Timeline Therapist and helps people and groups draw on their strengths. She can pinpoint inhibiting factors and offers result-oriented training and coaching to permanently remove these inhibitions and stumbling blocks.
Gaining insight into yourself, into others and into the choices that are available helps you stay true to yourself, and stay clear and balanced, despite the everyday pressures of work. This results in a decrease of stress and burn-out problems, improves performance, creates a healthy working atmosphere and enables you to achieve a life of fulfillment and happiness.
Get to know Muriël in a 'free of charge' consultation. Contact Muriël.
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