Reconnect with Your Heart and Transform Your Life

Reconnect with Your Heart and Transform Your Life

Join Our Happy Soul Travel Lifecoaching and Yogaretreat 9-11 June '23

In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves trapped in careers that don't ignite our passion or living lives that don't align with our true desires. If you're yearning for change and seeking a deeper connection with your heart, we invite you to join us for a life-changing experience. Our Happy Soul Travel lifecoaching and yogaretreat is designed to help you break free from decisions made solely with your head and guide you towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

From June 9th to 11th, at the serene de Hoorneboeg, we will embark on a transformative journey together. Led by the leadership coach, Muriël, and the experienced yoga teacher, Anne Roffel, this retreat offers a unique blend of lifecoaching and yoga practices that will reconnect you with your inner self and provide the tools you need to manifest your dreams.

The Heart-Centered Approach

During this immersive retreat, Muriël will gently guide you towards the answers that lie within your heart. Through heart-centered coaching sessions, she will help you uncover your true passions and tap into your inner wisdom. By exploring your desires and dreams, you will gain the clarity and confidence needed to make decisions that align with your heart's desires, both in your career and personal life.

Reconnecting with Your Body and Grounding Yourself

Complementing Muriël's lifecoaching expertise, Anne Roffel, our experienced yoga teacher, will guide you through rejuvenating yoga practices. These sessions will help you reconnect with your body, release tension, and find inner peace. By cultivating a strong mind-body connection, you will be able to ground yourself and approach life from a place of centeredness and clarity.

Crafting Your Vision Board and Action Plan

The retreat culminates with a powerful activity where you will create your own vision board. This visual representation of your dreams and aspirations will serve as a reminder of what truly matters to you. Additionally, you will develop a personalized action plan, ensuring that the transformation you experience during the retreat extends far beyond those magical three days.

Join the Journey

This Happy Soul Travel lifecoaching and yogaretreat offers a sacred space for growth, inspiration, and self-discovery. Surrounded by like-minded individuals, you'll find support and encouragement as you explore the depths of your heart and step into your true potential.

Secure Your Spot

With limited availability, we encourage you to book your spot today and embark on this incredible journey of self-transformation. Visit our website to reserve your place and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life.

Stop letting another day pass without taking action towards the life you truly desire. Our Happy Soul Travel lifecoaching and yogaretreat awaits you, ready to guide you on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Reconnect with your heart, rediscover your passions, and create lasting change. Remember, the journey begins when you listen to your heart. Join us on this transformative retreat and embrace the life you've always wanted.


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