Today is the Super New Moon!

I like to use the day of the new moon for manifestation. The new moon is my reminder that I do not have to unknowingly continue to build on what is already there, but that I can constantly adjust. That every moment can be a new beginning. It is very valuable to imagine at least once a month that your life is a blank canvas that you can repaint.

What is the new moon?

The new moon is the moon that is not illuminated by the sun. The moon stands between the sun and the earth, making it completely dark. You know: the moment that the moon is completely unlit, so completely invisible, is what we call the Dark Moon or Empty Moon. The new moon is the moon where another tiny line of light becomes visible. Today's New Moon is relatively close to the earth. That is why we call her the Super New Moon.

Did you know that the moon influences the tides, the sap flow in plants and trees and also animals? For example, did you know that predators around Full Moon are more active? And, that in the week after Full Moon, lions show even more activity during the day; prey animals naturally keep quiet.

Do you want to consciously experience the new moon?

Then I have a podcast or this youtube video with a ritual and a meditation for you. You can feel the new moon energy for up to 3 days after the new moon. So sit back today or in the near future or during the new moon. This is not only very valuable if you have something with the moon. It is essential to see that you can create something new from scratch and that that way of looking and dreaming is the start of a new reality and often a miracle.

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